Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Multiple Panel


Beds as a precursor to the overall theme of sleep. The act of ordering the viewer to do a task.


sleep from VegaAltair on Vimeo.

sleep, video, runtime 5:45, 2017

Sleep from VegaAltair on Vimeo.


All beings sleep. Rest for most is an afterthought, not a focal point of life, despite it being a crucial aspect. The human brain forces us to eventually stop and reset the body, the video in turn is a gentle command to help guide slumber. The audio acts as a manifestation of the human consciousness. The setting of listening to the sound via headphones, emphasizes the isolation needed for relaxation despite being in a crowd.

Drawing Collection



Something Real, Relief Print, 90"x 52"x 60" 2017

Something Real from VegaAltair on Vimeo.


The idea of translating sound and experience 
          into physical marks in the world. 
The act of taking the surround sound 
          and recreating a surrounding space. 
The ephemeral nature of music 
          juxtaposed with the permanence of wood. 
The replay of a song or album 
         paired with the reproducibility of a print. 
Sound as substance.