Tuesday, August 29, 2017

eraser drawings

Drawing: 4: Sink 2:10

Drawing: 2: sound  21"x12"

Drawing 3: sound (beautiful)

drawing: sound (september 1st)


The subjectivity of erasing and ultimately the unknowing of what goes on in a reworked surface. The marks made on a paper regardless of their intensity ultimately in the final piece feel meaningless, as the previous work that existed on the page is effectively meaningless now as only the artist knows what has been. A void between viewer and artist.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

white paper drawings

in the shell, white gesso and rembrandt black charcoal on paper, 9.5"x7"x7.5"

Rip Snake King 6.5"x6.5"x3"


The useless made into form. Paper and Gesso being unwanted materials, thus a sense of "the unwanted" goes into the work. The aggression of crumpling and tearing reflecting the harsh atmosphere in which the work exists.